Production Notes

The book is available for purchase from Martha Grenon.

The book The Bringing of the Bones: An Albanian Odyssey was designed by Martha Grenon on a PowerMac 7100/66, using PageMaker and Photoshop software and Oxford and Palatino fonts.

Linotronic output by Micropublish, Austin, Texas

Printed by Ginny’s, Austin, Texas

Hand-bound by Martha Grenon

Printed on acid-free Dur-o-Tone paper from French Paper Co., Niles, Michigan

Printed in conjunction with the exhibit The Bringing of the Bones: Politics and Religion in Albania at Pro-Jex Gallery, Austin, Texas, June 7–July 11, 1997.

This website was designed and produced by Paul Novitski and Julian Hall of Juniper Webcraft Ltd. of Winlaw, British Columbia, with assistance from Les McKinney.

Pages are generated by PHP server-side scripting in XHTML markup with CSS styling.

CSS font-family specification is Garamond, Palatino Linotype, Palatino, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, serif.

Optimized for 1024-pixel-wide windows and larger.